Adventures in DC

Exploring Washington, DC & Making Every Day an Adventure


DC Adventures to Celebrate Black History Month

Adventures in Washington, DC that celebrate the stories, contributions, and achievements of African Americans in honor of Black History Month

Freedom House Museum - Cotton display

Washington, DC has long been called Chocolate City for its predominately African American population. Check out the adventures below to learn more about the people, places, and events that celebrate African Americans’ stories, contributions, and achievements in honor of Black History Month.

Carter G. Woodson Home

There is no better place to celebrate Black History Month than at the historic home and workplace of the Father of Black History

Back of Carter G. Woodson statue


Decatur House

A tour of Decatur House ends in the slave quarters, a rare example of the life of slaves in an urban setting. The only exterior door opened into the courtyard to keep the slaves’ activities hidden from the public.

Decatur House - View of the slave quarters


Frederick Douglass House

In addition to his many accomplishments, Frederick Douglass was called the Lion of Anacostia; his house is a historic gem in this DC neighborhood.

Frederick Douglass House - Statue at visitor's center


Freedom House Museum

If you aren’t familiar with the role the city of Alexandria played in the slave trade, the facts displayed throughout this museum about the scale of the domestic slave trade business in the Washington, DC area will be quite shocking.

Freedom House Museum - Franklin and Armfield display


HIV/AIDS Caregivers Memorial

Half of this memorial is an engraving of a poem excerpt written by local African American poet E. Ethelbert Miller.

HIV AIDS Caregivers Memorial - Circle bench outside metro


National Museum of African American History and Culture

The newest Smithsonian museum is quickly becoming one of the most popular, with good reason. It is a long overdue focus on the stories and legacy of African Americans on the history and culture of the United States.

Museum of African American History and Culture - Mexico City Olympic Protest Statue


National Museum of African Art

From the costumes for the movie Black Panther to Kwanza celebrations, African Art has influenced African American fashion, design, and culture. There’s plenty to explore at this very underrated museum.

Brave New World I exhibit at the National Museum of African Art


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